1.
"We
are
all
made
of
stars,
but
some
of
us
shine
brighter
than
others.
"
【科幻唯美语录】
2.
"The
universe
is
a
vast
canvas,
waiting
to
be
painted
with
the
brushstrokes
of
our
imagination.
"
【科幻唯美语录】
3.
"In
the
infinite
expanse
of
space,
there
is
no
limit
to
the
wonders
we
can
discover.
"
【科幻唯美语录】
4.
"To
boldly
go
where
no
one
has
gone
before
is
not
just
a
statement,
it's
a
way
of
life.
"
【科幻唯美语录】
5.
"The
future
may
be
uncertain,
but
it's
up
to
us
to
create
the
reality
we
desire.
"
【科幻唯美语录】
6.
"In
a
world
of
infinite
possibilities,
the
only
limit
is
our
own
imagination.
"
【科幻唯美语录】
7.
"To
explore
the
unknown
is
to
discover
our
own
potential.
"
【科幻唯美语录】
8.
"The
stars
may
be
far
away,
but
they
still
hold
the
power
to
ignite
our
dreams.
"
【科幻唯美语录】
9.
"Our
fate
is
not
written
in
the
stars,
but
in
the
choices
we
make.
"
【科幻唯美语录】
10.
"The
universe
is
a
symphony,
and
we
are
all
but
notes
in
its
grand
composition.
"
【科幻唯美语录】
11.
"The
cosmos
may
be
endless,
but
the
beauty
it
holds
is
boundless.
"
【科幻唯美语录】
12.
"The
truth
may
be
stranger
than
fiction,
but
it's
also
more
beautiful.
"
【科幻唯美语录】
13.
"The
only
limit
to
our
potential
is
the
one
we
impose
on
ourselves.
"
【科幻唯美语录】
14.
"In
the
infinite
reaches
of
space,
we
are
but
a
tiny
spark
of
life,
yet
we
shine
brightly
nonetheless.
"
【科幻唯美语录】
15.
"The
beauty
of
the
universe
is
that
it
never
stops
surprising
us.
"
【科幻唯美语录】
16.
"The
stars
may
be
scattered
across
the
sky,
but
they
are
all
connected
by
the
thread
of
our
imagination.
"
【科幻唯美语录】
17.
"The
mysteries
of
the
universe
may
never
be
fully
unravelled,
but
the
journey
of
discovery
is
worth
the
effort.
"
【科幻唯美语录】
18.
"In
the
vast
emptiness
of
space,
we
can
find
the
true
meaning
of
our
existence.
"
【科幻唯美语录】
19.
"To
gaze
at
the
stars
is
to
look
into
infinity,
and
to
glimpse
the
infinite
possibilities
of
our
own
lives.
"
【科幻唯美语录】
20.
"The
wonders
of
the
cosmos
are
waiting
to
be
explored,
and
it's
up
to
us
to
take
the
first
step.
"
【科幻唯美语录】