.jpg)
1.
"My
pride
is
my
armor,
but
it
is
also
my
downfall.
"
【#HighAndMighty】
2.
"In
the
end,
arrogance
always
comes
back
to
bite
you.
"
【#PrideComesBeforeAFall】
3.
"Ego
is
a
fragile
thing,
easily
shattered
by
failure.
"
【#FragileEgo】
4.
"Arrogance
closes
the
mind
to
new
possibilities.
"
【#ClosedMinded】
5.
"The
higher
you
climb,
the
harder
you
fall.
"
【#ClimbTheLadder】
6.
"A
humble
heart
is
worth
more
than
a
proud
one.
"
【#HumbleAndKind】
7.
"Arrogance
is
a
sign
of
weakness,
not
strength.
"
【#WeaknessMaskedAsStrength】
8.
"Pride
blinds
us
to
our
own
flaws.
"
【#BlindedByPride】
9.
"The
most
successful
people
are
often
the
most
humble.
"
【#SuccessAndHumility】
10.
"Arrogance
is
a
lonely
road
to
travel.
"
【#LonelyRoad】
11.
"Humility
is
the
key
to
personal
growth.
"
【#GrowAndLearn】
12.
"The
greatest
leaders
are
those
who
listen
and
learn
from
others.
"
【#ListenAndLearn】
13.
"Arrogance
is
a
shield
for
the
insecure.
"
【#InsecurePride】
14.
"Humility
is
the
foundation
of
true
confidence.
"
【#ConfidenceFromWithin】
15.
"Arrogance
is
a
mask
for
fear.
"
【#FearMaskedAsArrogance】
16.
"The
strongest
people
are
often
the
most
humble.
"
【#StrengthAndHumility】
17.
"Arrogance
is
a
prison
that
locks
us
in.
"
【#LockedInPride】
18.
"Humility
opens
doors
that
pride
would
shut.
"
【#OpenMinded】
19.
"Arrogance
is
a
self-inflicted
wound.
"
【#SelfInflictedWound】
20.
"Humility
is
the
mark
of
true
greatness.
"
【#GreatnessOfHeart】