1.
"Good
morning,
class.
hope
you
all
had
a
lovely
weekend.
"【温柔的问候】
2.
"Please
feel
free
to
ask
any
questions
you
may
have.
I'm
here
to
help
you.
"【耐心解答】
3.
"I'm
really
proud
of
all
the
hard
work
you
guys
have
put
into
this
project.
"【鼓励和赞赏】
4.
"Let's
take
a
deep
breath
and
try
to
approach
this
with
a
calm
mindset.
"【缓和紧张气氛】
5.
"I
understand
that
this
topic
might
be
challenging,
but
have
faith
in
you
all
to
rise
to
the
challenge.
"【给予信心和关注】
6.
"It's
okay
to
make
mistakes.
That's
how
we
learn
and
grow.
"【鼓励试错】
7.
"Thank
you
for
being
such
a
wonderful
class.
It's
always
a
joy
to
teach
you.
"【感恩和赞扬】
8.
"Remember
to
take
breaks
and
take
care
of
yourselves.
Your
mental
health
is
just
as
important
as
your
academic
success.
"【关注学生身心健康】
9.
"You're
all
doing
such
a
fantastic
job.
Keep
up
the
great
work.
"【再次赞扬和鼓励】
10.
"I
appreciate
your
patience
and
perseverance
as
we
navigate
through
this
difficult
topic
together.
"【感恩和赞扬】
11.
"I'm
always
here
to
listen
and
support
you.
Don't
hesitate
to
come
to
me
if
you
need
anything.
"【提供帮助和支持】
12.
"Our
differences
make
us
unique
and
interesting.
Let's
celebrate
our
diversity
and
learn
from
each
other.
"【鼓励尊重和包容】
13.
"I'm
excited
to
see
what
creative
ideas
you
all
have
for
your
presentations!"【激发兴趣和好奇心】
14.
"I
want
to
create
a
safe
and
welcoming
environment
where
everyone
feels
comfortable
to
share
their
thoughts
and
opinions.
"【营造温馨安全的学习氛围】
15.
"Don't
worry.
We'll
go
through
the
material
step
by
step
and
make
sure
everyone
understands
before
moving
on.
"【缓解学习压力和焦虑】
16.
"I'm
here
to
guide
you
and
help
you
achieve
your
goals.
Let's
work
towards
success
together.
"【以学生为中心的教育理念】
17.
"Remember
to
take
note
of
anything
you
don't
understand,
and
we
can
go
over
it
again
later.
"【鼓励记录问题并随时解答疑惑】
18.
"I'm
so
proud
of
the
progress
you've
made.
Keep
up
the
amazing
work.
"【再一次赞扬和鼓励】
19.
"Let's
finish
this
lesson
off
on
a
positive
note.
What
was
one
thing
you
learned
today
that
you
found
interesting?"【以开放的问题鼓励积极学习】
20.
"Thank
you
all
for
being
such
wonderful
students.
look
forward
to
seeing
you
again
next
class.
"【辞别句话,充满感激和期待】