.jpg)
1.
"Love
may
be
blind,
but
numbers
never
lie.
"】
2.
"In
matters
of
the
heart,
emotions
fluctuate,
but
calculations
remain
constant.
"】
3.
"Relationships
built
on
trust
and
transparency
are
like
well-balanced
sheets.
"】
4.
"When
it
comes
to
matters
of
love,
it's
wise
to
keep
a
clear
ledger.
"】
5.
"Balancing
the
books
of
your
heart
can
prevent
emotional
bankruptcy.
"】
6.
"Calculating
the
costs
of
love
can
protect
you
from
emotional
debts.
"】
7.
"Factoring
in
both
love
and
logic
is
the
key
to
a
fulfilling
relationship.
"】
8.
"Just
like
financial
investments,
relationships
require
careful
evaluation.
"】
9.
"Why
trust
your
heart
blindly
when
a
calculator
can
guide
your
steps?"】
10.
"Don't
let
love
become
a
business
transaction,
but
don't
ignore
the
numbers
either.
"】
11.
"In
the
arithmetic
of
love,
precision
can
lead
to
lasting
happiness.
"】
12.
"When
it
comes
to
love,
it's
crucial
to
balance
passion
with
practicality.
"】
13.
"Calculating
the
risks
in
love
helps
us
make
informed
decisions.
"】
14.
"Determining
the
assets
and
liabilities
of
a
relationship
ensures
a
solid
foundation.
"】
15.
"Don't
let
love
become
an
equation,
but
find
harmony
between
emotions
and
logic.
"】
16.
"Just
as
accountants
seek
balance
sheets,
love
requires
finding
equilibrium.
"】
17.
"Assessing
the
costs
and
benefits
of
love
prepares
us
for
the
unpredictable.
"】
18.
"Love
should
add
value
to
our
lives,
not
subtract
from
them.
"】
19.
"Just
as
accountants
track
expenses,
we
must
track
the
emotional
investments
in
our
relationships.
"】
20.
"When
love
is
treated
as
a
numbers
game,
the
odds
of
finding
happiness
increase.
"】