.jpg)
1.
Time
to
take
a
break
from
work!
【休假通知】
2.
Packing
my
bags
for
a
much-needed
vacation.
【旅行啦】
3.
Adios,
work!
See
you
in
a
few
days.
【暂时别了】
4.
Excited
to
explore
a
new
place
and
unwind.
【充电中】
5.
Time
to
recharge
my
batteries
and
come
back
refreshed.
【调整状态】
6.
Off
on
an
adventure!
See
you
on
the
flip
side.
【冒险启程】
7.
Taking
a
break
from
the
real
world
for
a
while.
【暂别现实】
8.
Ready
to
escape
to
paradise!
【追求梦想】
9.
Time
to
step
away
from
the
hustle
and
bustle
of
everyday
life.
【告别紧张】
10.
Off
the
grid
for
a
little
while,
but
will
be
back
soon!
【重新开始】
11.
little
is
just
what
the
doctor
ordered.
【舒缓自己】
12.
Hitting
the
road
for
some
much-needed
relaxation.
【踏上旅途】
13.
Taking
a
break
to
enjoy
some
quality
time
with
loved
ones.
【陪伴至上】
14.
Time
to
get
away
and
find
some
inner
peace.
【寻求平静】
15.
Ready
to
leave
my
worries
behind
and
have
an
adventure.
【遗忘烦恼】
16.
Taking
time
off
to
focus
on
personal
growth
and
development.
【关注自我】
17.
Time
to
unplug
and
enjoy
the
beauty
of
the
world
around
me.
【乘风破浪】
18.
Enjoying
some
time
away
from
the
office
and
all
its
stresses.
【告别烦躁】
19.
Excited
to
explore
a
new
city
and
create
lasting
memories.
【开启纪念之旅】
20.
Hitting
the
pause
button
on
work
to
live
a
little.
【享受生活】