.jpg)
1.
"Through
the
ups
and
downs
of
this
exam
season,
one
thing
remains
true:
your
resilience
and
hard
work
are
truly
admirable.
"
【会考走遍天下,艰辛奋斗有你】
2.
"As
you
reflect
on
your
exam
performance,
remember
that
mistakes
and
setbacks
do
not
define
you.
"
【考试挫折不代表你的全部,放下心结迎接更好的未来】
3.
"It's
easy
to
get
overwhelmed
by
the
pressure
to
succeed,
but
remember
why
you
started
and
focus
on
your
goals.
"
【成功的压力犹如洪流,唯有坚定目标方可不迷失】
4.
"You've
worked
hard
to
prepare
for
this
exam,
so
don't
let
self-doubt
take
away
from
your
achievements.
"
【准备充分,心无杂念,纵横考场可以一战功成】
5.
"It's
okay
to
feel
disappointed
if
you
didn't
perform
as
well
as
you
hoped,
but
remember
that
every
setback
is
an
opportunity
to
learn
and
grow.
"
【不如愿的结果或许引人遗憾,但也是见贤思齐,成长为人的契机】
6.
"Although
exams
can
be
stressful,
remember
to
take
care
of
yourself
and
prioritize
your
health
and
well-being.
"
【考试好比怒涛狂浪,照顾自己重要如君黄金】
7.
"No
matter
how
well
or
poorly
you
performed
on
this
exam,
your
worth
and
potential
remain
steadfast.
"
【成败乃常事,人生不止此一场,实力仍在,前途绚丽】
8.
"Don't
forget
to
celebrate
your
accomplishments
and
progress,
no
matter
how
small
they
may
seem.
"
【小成就同样值得庆祝,人生中每一步都不应该被轻视】
9.
"If
you're
struggling
to
find
motivation
after
a
difficult
exam,
look
to
the
people
and
pursuits
that
inspire
you.
"
【一场糟糕的考试结束后,寻找灵感和动力,抬起头,重新出发吧】
10.
"Remember
that
each
exam
is
just
one
step
on
your
journey,
and
there
are
endless
opportunities
ahead.
"
【考试仅是人生旅途一程,未来还有无数未知的机遇在等着你】
11.
"No
matter
how
many
times
you
stumble,
get
back
up
and
keep
moving
forward.
"
【经历千难万险,每一遍倒下都不是结束,重拾信念,一往无前】
12.
"It's
never
too
late
to
start
pursuing
your
goals
and
passions
-
don't
be
afraid
to
take
that
first
step.
"
【生命短暂,从不曾晚,脚踏实地,勇往直前】
13.
"Sometimes
mistakes
can
lead
to
unexpected
opportunities
and
breakthroughs
-
keep
an
open
mind.
"
【失误或许会令你丧失信心,但它也可能是通向突破、机会的一扇门】
14.
"Let
your
failures
and
weaknesses
be
your
motivation
to
strive
for
greatness.
"
【失败和弱点同样是前进的动力,它们让你拥有更多的潜力和机会】
15.
"Don't
compare
your
exam
performance
to
others
-
you
are
on
your
own
unique
path.
"
【与他人相比并无意义,你的人生旅途是独一无二的,全然属于你自己】
16.
"When
facing
difficulties,
remember
that
you
have
overcome
challenges
before
and
have
the
strength
to
do
so
again.
"
【遇到困难时,请记住自己曾经克服的无数挑战,你有勇气和力量再次战胜】
17.
"Take
the
time
to
reflect
on
your
exam
performance
and
identify
areas
for
improvement
-
this
will
only
make
you
stronger.
"
【考试结束之后,仔细反思自己的表现,找出需要改进的地方,这将让你变得更加强大】
18.
"Surround
yourself
with
positive
influences
and
support
-
they
will
lift
you
up
when
you're
feeling
down.
"
【寻找来自正能量和支持的人和事物,当你失落时,它们将为你提供支撑和帮助】
19.
"Remember
that
success
is
not
a
destination,
but
a
journey
-
enjoy
the
ride.
"
【成功不是终点,而是旅途,愿你在人生中始终保持乐观、积极的态度,享受这段旅程】
20.
"Finally,
always
believe
in
yourself
-
you
have
the
power
to
achieve
anything
you
set
your
mind
to.
"
【最后,一定要相信自己,你有能力实现任何你想要的目标和梦想】