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1.
轻轻地拍打着窗棂,带给人们柔软的情感
【Spring
drizzle
gently
taps
on
the
window,
bringing
a
soft
feeling
to
people】
2.
雨丝轻柔地滑落在花瓣上,仿佛在诉说那轻柔的情感
【The
rain
falls
gently
on
the
petals,
as
if
telling
the
soft
emotions】
3.
春雨的温柔,不仅洒在大地上,还润泽着人的内心
【The
gentleness
of
spring
rain
not
only
sprinkles
on
the
earth,
but
also
moistens
people's
hearts】
4.
雨点敲打着屋檐,如同一个音乐家在演奏着如歌的旋律
【The
raindrops
pound
on
the
eaves
like
a
musician
playing
a
melodious
tune】
5.
春雨温柔,如同一双温暖的手,轻轻地拍打着人们的脸庞
【The
gentleness
of
spring
rain
is
like
a
pair
of
warm
hands,
gently
patting
people's
faces】
6.
春雨滴滴,如同一位爱人温柔的微笑,在展现着自己的美丽
【The
spring
rain
drops,
like
a
lover's
gentle
smile,
showing
its
own
beauty】
7.
雨点敲打在青石板上,发出清脆的声响,仿佛是春天的声音
【The
raindrops
pound
on
the
bluestone,
making
a
crisp
sound,
like
the
voice
of
spring】
8.
春雨如同一条如意河,带着美好的愿望,缓缓地流淌着
【The
spring
rain
is
like
a
river
of
wishes,
flowing
slowly
with
beautiful
wishes】
9.
雨水轻柔地拂过绿葱的草叶,那股温柔仿佛触动了人的心弦
【The
rain
gently
brushes
over
the
green
grass,
the
gentleness
seems
to
touch
the
strings
of
people's
hearts】
10.
春雨是一位守护美丽的守护神,将大地和人的心融入一体
【Spring
rain
is
a
guardian
of
beauty,
integrating
the
earth
and
people's
hearts】
11.
雨水落在泥土上,轻轻地泛起一阵涟漪,如同一首轻柔的曲子
【The
rain
falls
on
the
soil,
gently
rippling
like
a
gentle
tune】
12.
春雨的温柔洒满了大地,也照亮了人们的心灵
【The
gentleness
of
spring
rain
fills
the
earth
and
illuminates
people's
hearts】
13.
雨点滴滴,敲打着人们的心扉,将美好的心情带给人们
【The
raindrops
pound
on
people's
hearts,
bringing
beautiful
emotions
to
them】
14.
春雨是一位细心的守护者,它温柔地抚摸着大地,也触动着人的心
【Spring
rain
is
a
careful
guardian,
gently
touching
the
earth
and
moving
people's
hearts】
15.
雨丝缭绕,香气四溢,仿佛是一位美食家在享受大自然的美味
【The
rain
filaments
are
lingering,
the
fragrance
is
overflowing,
like
a
gourmet
enjoying
the
delicacy
of
nature】
16.
春天的雨水,如同一位美丽的仙子,带着美好的祝福降临人间
【The
spring
rain
is
like
a
beautiful
fairy,
bringing
greetings
and
blessings
to
the
world】
17.
雨丝轻吻花瓣,花瓣微微颤动,仿佛是在舞蹈着这春雨的美好
【The
rain
gently
kisses
the
petals,
and
the
petals
tremble
slightly,
as
if
dancing
with
the
beauty
of
spring
rain】
18.
春雨落在大地上,润泽着人们的内心,仿佛是百合花的芬芳
【The
spring
rain
falls
on
the
earth,
moisturizing
people's
hearts,
like
the
fragrance
of
lilies】
19.
雨点敲打在哪吒花上,如同一位音乐家在弹奏着美妙的旋律
【The
raindrops
pound
on
the
Na
Zha
flower
like
a
musician
playing
a
beautiful
melody】
20.
春雨温柔,如同一位母亲,用自己的身体,将大地和人们的心紧紧地拥抱着
【The
gentleness
of
spring
rain
is
like
a
mother,
using
her
body
to
embrace
the
earth
and
people's
hearts
tightly】