1.
"Actions
speak
louder
than
words.
"
【责任感】
2.
"Your
word
is
your
bond.
"
【可信度】
3.
"Do
unto
others
as
you
would
have
them
do
unto
you.
"
【道德标准】
4.
"If
you
want
something
done
right,
do
it
yourself.
"
【自我要求】
5.
"When
you
make
a
commitment,
stick
to
it.
"
【承诺必须遵守】
6.
"Be
accountable
for
your
actions.
"
【行为责任】
7.
"Take
ownership
of
your
mistakes.
"
【承认错误责任】
8.
"The
buck
stops
here.
"
【负责任】
9.
"Be
the
change
you
wish
to
see
in
the
world.
"
【个人行动影响世界】
10.
"Give
credit
where
credit
is
due.
"
【公正赞美】
11.
"Honesty
is
the
best
policy.
"
【诚实基础】
12.
"Never
make
excuses.
"
【没有借口】
13.
"Always
be
reliable.
"
【始终可靠】
14.
"Respect
is
earned,
not
given.
"
【尊重靠行动赢得】
15.
"Lead
by
example.
"
【言行一致,以身作则】
16.
"Earnestness
is
the
path
of
success.
"
【认真是成功的道路】
17.
"Empathy
is
the
key
to
understanding.
"
【同理心开启了解的大门】
18.
"Don't
make
promises
you
can't
keep.
"
【不轻易承诺】
19.
"Admitting
fault
is
a
sign
of
strength.
"
【勇于承认错误是强者的表现】
20.
"Responsibility
is
the
price
of
greatness.
"
【伟大的代价就是承担责任】