.jpg)
1.
"Gratitude
unlocks
the
fullness
of
life.
It
turns
what
we
have
into
enough,
and
more.
It
turns
denial
into
acceptance,
chaos
to
order,
confusion
to
clarity.
It
can
turn
a
meal
into
a
feast,
a
house
into
a
home,
a
stranger
into
a
friend.
"
-
Melody
Beattie
【#gratitude】
2.
"If
the
only
prayer
you
said
was
thank
you,
that
would
be
enough.
"
-
Meister
Eckhart
【#thankful】
3.
"The
more
grateful
am,
the
more
beauty
see.
"
-
Mary
Davis
【#beauty】
4.
"Gratitude
makes
sense
of
our
past,
brings
peace
for
today,
and
creates
a
vision
for
tomorrow.
"
-
Melody
Beattie
【#peace】
5.
"Acknowledging
the
good
that
you
already
have
in
your
life
is
the
foundation
for
all
abundance.
"
-
Eckhart
Tolle
【#abundance】
6.
"Gratitude
is
not
only
the
greatest
of
virtues,
but
the
parent
of
all
others.
"
-
Marcus
Tullius
Cicero
【#virtues】
7.
"In
ordinary
life,
we
hardly
realize
that
we
receive
a
great
deal
more
than
we
give,
and
that
it
is
only
with
gratitude
that
life
becomes
rich.
"
-
Dietrich
Bonhoeffer
【#rich】
8.
"Gratitude
is
a
powerful
catalyst
for
happiness.
It's
the
spark
that
lights
a
fire
of
joy
in
your
soul.
"
-
Amy
Collette
【#joy】
9.
"Gratitude
is
the
healthiest
of
all
human
emotions.
The
more
you
express
gratitude
for
what
you
have,
the
more
likely
you
will
have
even
more
to
express
gratitude
for.
"
-
Zig
Ziglar
【#health】
10.
"For
each
new
morning
with
its
light,
for
rest
and
shelter
of
the
night,
for
health
and
food,
for
love
and
friends,
for
everything
Thy
goodness
sends.
"
-
Ralph
Waldo
Emerson
【#blessings】
11.
"Gratitude
is
the
fairest
blossom
which
springs
from
the
soul.
"
-
Henry
Ward
Beecher
【#fairest】
12.
"Let
us
be
grateful
to
the
people
who
make
us
happy;
they
are
the
charming
gardeners
who
make
our
souls
blossom.
"
-
Marcel
Proust
【#happy】
13.
"When
we
focus
on
our
gratitude,
the
tide
of
disappointment
goes
out
and
the
tide
of
love
rushes
in.
"
-
Kristin
Armstrong
【#love】
14.
"Happiness
cannot
be
traveled
to,
owned,
earned,
or
worn.
It
is
the
spiritual
experience
of
living
every
minute
with
love,
grace,
and
gratitude.
"
-
Denis
Waitley
【#happiness】
15.
"Gratitude
is
a
currency
that
we
can
mint
for
ourselves,
and
spend
without
fear
of
bankruptcy.
"
-
Fred
De
Witt
Van
Amburgh
【#currency】
16.
"Gratitude
is
the
memory
of
the
heart.
"
-
Jean
Baptiste
Massieu
【#memory】
17.
"Gratitude
is
the
sign
of
noble
souls.
"
-
Aesop
【#noble】
18.
"If
you
want
to
find
happiness,
find
gratitude.
"
-
Steve
Maraboli
【#findhappiness】
19.
"Gratitude
is
a
powerful
force.
It
can
turn
a
negative
into
a
positive.
Find
ways
to
be
thankful
for
your
troubles,
and
they
can
become
your
blessings.
"
-
Author
Unknown
【#powerful】
20.
"Let
us
be
grateful
to
people
who
make
us
happy,
they
are
the
charming
gardeners
who
make
our
souls
blossom.
"
-
Marcel
Proust
【#soulblossom】