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1.
生活就像一场戏,有时候演员想停下来休息,但剧本却不允许。
【Life
is
like
a
play,
sometimes
actors
want
to
take
a
break,
but
the
script
doesn't
allow
it.
】
2.
生活的压力让我们总是忘记了珍惜现在拥有的,直到某一天失去了才后悔莫及。
【The
pressure
of
life
always
makes
us
forget
to
cherish
what
we
have
now,
until
one
day
we
lose
it
and
regret
it.
】
3.
生命只有一次,我们必须珍惜每一分每一秒,过好自己的生活。
【Life
is
only
once,
we
must
cherish
every
minute
and
every
second,
and
live
our
own
life
well.
】
4.
生活的不易,让我们明白了努力的力量,我们必须拼尽全力,才能过上我们想要的生活。
【The
difficulty
of
life
makes
us
understand
the
power
of
hard
work.
We
must
do
our
best
to
live
the
life
we
want.
】
5.
心平气和地面对生活中的挑战,我们才能走得更远。
【We
can
go
further
in
life
by
facing
the
challenges
with
peace
of
mind.
】
6.
生活所遇到的所有挫折都是成长的荣耀,因为那是我们成为更好的人的机会。
【All
the
setbacks
encountered
in
life
are
the
glory
of
growth,
because
that
is
our
opportunity
to
become
better
people.
】
7.
生活不易,但我们不能因为困难而沮丧,要想着未来,保持乐观。
【Life
is
not
easy,
but
we
cannot
be
discouraged
by
difficulties.
We
must
think
about
the
future
and
keep
optimistic.
】
8.
生活就像一场长跑比赛,坚持到底才是胜利者。
【Life
is
like
a
long-distance
race,
and
perseverance
is
the
winner.
】
9.
每个人都有生命的意义和价值,我们不能被生活的种种困难所摧毁。
【Everyone
has
the
meaning
and
value
of
life,
and
we
cannot
be
destroyed
by
the
difficulties
of
life.
】
10.
生活其实很简单,责任、勇气、毅力和希望,做好自己的本分就是走得更远。
【Life
is
actually
very
simple,
responsibility,
courage,
perseverance,
and
hope,
doing
our
job
well
is
to
go
further.
】
11.
生活中没有什么可以阻止我们,除非我们自己放弃了。
【Nothing
in
life
can
stop
us
unless
we
give
up.
】
12.
生活如此不易,但我们依然要坚持梦想,迎接每一天新的挑战。
【Life
is
so
difficult,
but
we
still
have
to
insist
on
our
dreams
and
face
new
challenges
every
day.
】
13.
生活中的困难是我们前进路上的力量,因为有了它们,我们才能变得更加坚强。
【The
difficulties
in
life
are
the
power
on
our
way
forward,
because
with
them,
we
can
become
stronger.
】
14.
生活会教会我们很多东西,如何坚强、如何面对失败、如何继续前进。
【Life
will
teach
us
many
things,
such
as
how
to
be
strong,
how
to
face
failure,
and
how
to
move
forward.
】
15.
每一次的尝试都是一种成长,即使失败了也要坚持,总有一天会成功。
【Every
attempt
is
a
growth,
even
if
failed,
we
must
persist.
One
day
we
will
succeed.
】
16.
生活可以让我们失败,但它不会让失败变成永久。
【Life
can
make
us
fail,
but
it
won't
make
failure
permanent.
】
17.
成功的路上没有捷径可走,需要我们拼尽全力坚持走下去。
【There
is
no
shortcut
to
success.
We
need
to
do
our
best
to
persevere.
】
18.
生活不是完美的,但我们可以通过奋斗成为完美的人。
【Life
is
not
perfect,
but
we
can
become
perfect
people
through
struggle.
】
19.
生活是一场无尽的修行,每一天都要学会面对自己的不足和缺陷。
【Life
is
an
endless
practice,
every
day
we
need
to
learn
to
face
our
own
shortcomings
and
flaws.
】
20.
生活中没有绝对的黑暗,只要我们有信念,相信会有光明的一天。
【There
is
no
absolute
darkness
in
life,
as
long
as
we
have
faith,
we
believe
there
will
be
a
bright
day.
】