.jpg)
1.
The
smell
of
durian
makes
me
want
to
run
away
【#notadurianfan】
.
2.
don't
know
how
people
manage
to
eat
durian
without
gagging
【#sorrynotsorry】
.
3.
Friends
keep
insisting
try
durian,
but
I'd
rather
stick
to
my
tried-and-true
fruits
【#fruitlover】
.
4.
Durian
might
be
a
delicacy
in
some
parts
of
the
world,
but
it's
not
for
me
【#personaltaste】
.
5.
While
some
people
consider
durian
to
be
delicious,
find
it
repulsive
【#keepitawayfromme】
.
6.
can't
help
but
wrinkling
my
nose
at
the
mere
mention
of
durian
【#smellssobad】
.
7.
I've
tried
durian
before
and
it
was
a
definite
no-go
【#onetimeistoomany】
.
8.
Durian
lovers
may
swear
by
its
sweet
taste,
but
for
me,
it's
a
nightmare
【#notforme】
.
9.
can
appreciate
trying
new
things,
but
durian
is
one
thing
I'll
never
try
again
【#beeninmygumsforever】
.
10.
love
all
kinds
of
fruit,
but
durian
is
not
one
of
them
【#fruitconnoisseur】
.
11.
The
texture
of
durian
makes
me
want
to
rip
out
my
taste
buds
【#cantstandit】
.
12.
don't
mean
to
offend
any
durian
lovers
out
there,
but
just
can't
bring
myself
to
like
it
【#sorrynotsorry】
.
13.
can't
help
but
wonder
if
people
who
eat
durian
have
taste
buds
anymore
【#nopenopenope】
.
14.
Durian
may
be
a
staple
food
in
some
countries,
but
I'll
stick
to
my
pizza,
thanks
【#pizzalover】
.
15.
The
first
time
tried
durian,
thought
was
going
to
vomit
【#worstfoodexperience】
.
16.
I've
heard
that
durian
is
an
acquired
taste,
but
have
no
interest
in
acquiring
it
【#passplease】
.
17.
I'd
rather
eat
soap
than
durian
【#nottasty】
.
18.
The
aftertaste
of
durian
is
enough
to
make
me
avoid
it
for
life
【#badexperience】
.
19.
can't
deny
that
durian
has
health
benefits,
but
I'll
stick
to
my
apples
and
bananas
【#healthychoices】
.
20.
Durian
may
have
its
fans,
but
I'll
never
be
one
of
them
【#notadurianfan】
.