.jpg)
1.
Not
everyone
is
born
with
a
fast
metabolism.
Some
of
us
have
to
work
twice
as
hard
to
shed
those
extra
pounds.
#StruggleIsReal
#OverweightProblems
2.
"You're
not
fat,
you're
beautiful,"
said
no
one
ever.
#BodyPositivityIsGreatButLetsBeRealistic
#ThickThighsSaveLives
3.
"Why
don't
you
just
eat
a
salad?"
Oh,
how
love
being
judged
by
strangers
who
have
no
idea
what
it's
like
to
be
overweight.
#MisconceptionsAboutDieting
#StopTheShaming
4.
"I
can't
believe
I'm
still
this
size!"
-
me,
every
time
try
on
a
pair
of
pants.
#DenialIsNotTheAnswer
#TimeToChange
5.
When
you've
lost
weight
but
your
loved
ones
can't
help
but
remind
you
of
your
past
self.
#CelebratingSmallVictories
#StopBringingUpThePast
6.
Being
overweight
doesn't
mean
I'm
lazy
or
unhealthy.
It
just
means
have
to
work
harder
to
stay
fit.
#WeightDoesNotDefineHealth
#LoveYourselfAtEverySize
7.
"Wow,
you've
lost
weight!"
-
the
compliment
that's
simultaneously
the
best
and
worst
thing
to
hear.
#ComplimentOrInsult
#WeightStruggles
8.
People
think
being
overweight
means
don't
exercise.
But
little
do
they
know
how
much
love
going
to
the
gym
and
working
out.
#BreakingTheStereotype
#HealthyAtEverySize
9.
"I'm
not
fat,
I'm
just
big-boned!"
-
the
classic
excuse
we
all
use
when
we're
in
denial
about
our
weight.
#Let'sBeRealAboutOurBodyTypes
#AcceptanceIsTheFirstStep
10.
Being
overweight
isn't
just
about
physical
appearance.
It's
about
the
toll
it
takes
on
your
mental
health
as
well.
#BodyImageIssues
#MentalHealthMatters
11.
When
you're
trying
to
lose
weight
but
your
love
for
food
is
too
strong.
#FoodIsMyLoveLanguage
#WeightLossStruggles
12.
"I
wish
could
eat
whatever
want
and
not
gain
weight!"
--
if
only
it
were
that
easy.
#GeneticsPlayAFactor
#NotJustAboutWillpower
13.
When
you
find
a
gym
buddy
who
understands
your
struggle.
#OverweightAndProud
#SupportiveFriends
14.
The
journey
to
weight
loss
isn't
always
linear.
Celebrate
the
small
victories
and
don't
beat
yourself
up
for
setbacks.
#UpsAndDownsOfWeightLoss
#It'sALifestyleChange
15.
"No,
don't
want
another
slice
of
cake.
.
.
"
-
said
no
one
ever.
#FoodAddictionIsReal
#SelfControlIsHard
16.
Being
overweight
is
not
a
personal
failure.
Society's
unrealistic
beauty
standards
are
the
real
problem.
#BeautyComesInAllShapesAndSizes
#EndTheStigma
17.
"You
should
try
this
diet,
it
worked
for
me!"
-
every
unsolicited
weight
loss
advice
we
would
rather
not
hear.
#OneSizeDoesNotFitAll
#SpeakOnlyWithYourDoctor
18.
When
you
realize
that
losing
weight
is
a
marathon,
not
a
sprint.
#PatienceIsKey
#SlowAndSteadyWinsTheRace
19.
Being
overweight
doesn't
mean
I'm
unhappy.
It's
just
a
part
of
who
am.
#LearningToLoveMyself
#BodyPositivity
20.
When
you
finally
accept
your
body
for
what
it
is
instead
of
constantly
trying
to
change
it.
#LearningToBeContent
#HealthyBodyHealthyMind