.jpg)
1.
Be
the
change
you
wish
to
see
in
the
world.
【—
Gandhi】
2.
Success
is
not
final,
failure
is
not
fatal:
It
is
the
courage
to
continue
that
counts.
【—
Winston
Churchill】
3.
The
only
way
to
do
great
work
is
to
love
what
you
do.
【—
Steve
Jobs】
4.
You
can't
build
a
reputation
on
what
you
are
going
to
do.
【—
Henry
Ford】
5.
have
not
failed.
I've
just
found
10,000
ways
that
won't
work.
【—
Thomas
Edison】
6.
Courage
doesn't
always
roar.
Sometimes
courage
is
the
quiet
voice
at
the
end
of
the
day
saying,
"I
will
try
again
tomorrow.
"
【—
Mary
Anne
Radmacher】
7.
Believe
you
can
and
you're
halfway
there.
【—
Theodore
Roosevelt】
8.
The
man
who
has
confidence
in
himself
gains
the
confidence
of
others.
【—
Hasidic
Proverb】
9.
Nothing
is
impossible,
the
word
itself
says
"I'm
possible"!
【—
Audrey
Hepburn】
10.
If
you
want
to
live
a
happy
life,
tie
it
to
a
goal,
not
to
people
or
things.
【—
Albert
Einstein】
11.
Never
give
up,
for
that
is
just
the
place
and
time
that
the
tide
will
turn.
【—
Harriet
Beecher
Stowe】
12.
Believe
in
yourself
and
all
that
you
are.
Know
that
there
is
something
inside
you
that
is
greater
than
any
obstacle.
【—
Christian
D.
Larson】
13.
The
secret
of
getting
ahead
is
getting
started.
【—
Mark
Twain】
14.
Don't
wait
for
opportunities,
create
them.
【—
Zig
Ziglar】
15.
Strive
not
to
be
a
success,
but
rather
to
be
of
value.
【—
Albert
Einstein】
16.
Start
where
you
are.
Use
what
you
have.
Do
what
you
can.
【—
Arthur
Ashe】
17.
Do
not
go
where
the
path
may
lead,
go
instead
where
there
is
no
path
and
leave
a
trail.
【—
Ralph
Waldo
Emerson】
18.
The
only
thing
we
have
to
fear
is
fear
itself.
【—
Franklin
D.
Roosevelt】
19.
Success
is
not
the
key
to
happiness.
Happiness
is
the
key
to
success.
If
you
love
what
you
are
doing,
you
will
be
successful.
【—
Albert
Schweitzer】
20.
The
future
belongs
to
those
who
believe
in
the
beauty
of
their
dreams.
【—
Eleanor
Roosevelt】