.jpg)
1.
Teacher,
you
may
not
know
the
impact
you
have
had
on
my
life,
but
want
to
thank
you
from
the
bottom
of
my
heart
for
believing
in
me
when
no
one
else
did.
【感恩师长】
2.
The
bond
between
a
teacher
and
student
is
one
that
can
never
be
broken,
even
if
the
miles
and
years
separate
us.
【永不磨灭的纽带】
3.
The
tears
shed
when
graduated
were
not
just
tears
of
joy,
but
also
tears
of
sadness
because
knew
would
miss
the
guidance
and
support
of
my
teachers.
【毕业离愁】
4.
Sometimes,
it
takes
a
teacher's
stern
words
to
make
us
realize
our
full
potential
and
push
us
to
achieve
greatness.
【鼓舞士气】
5.
Your
encouragement
and
belief
in
me
helped
me
conquer
my
fears
and
reach
new
heights.
will
forever
be
grateful
for
all
you
have
done.
【突破自我】
6.
While
may
have
moved
on
to
new
adventures,
the
lessons
you
taught
me
will
always
stay
with
me.
Thank
you
for
being
an
incredible
teacher
and
friend.
【历久弥新的教诲】
7.
As
a
teacher,
you
may
never
know
the
full
extent
of
your
impact
on
a
student's
life,
but
rest
assured
that
you
have
made
a
difference.
【无法触及的深度】
8.
The
best
teachers
are
the
ones
who
not
only
teach,
but
also
inspire
and
touch
the
hearts
of
their
students.
You
are
one
of
those
teachers.
【超越教学的感动】
9.
You
believed
in
me
when
didn't
believe
in
myself,
and
that
has
made
all
the
difference
in
my
life.
Thank
you
for
being
an
amazing
mentor.
【救赎内心的精灵】
10.
The
memories
of
our
time
together
in
the
classroom
will
always
be
cherished
and
remembered.
Thank
you
for
being
a
teacher
worth
looking
up
to.
【永恒回忆】
11.
may
have
been
a
difficult
student,
but
you
never
gave
up
on
me.
Thank
you
for
believing
in
me
and
pushing
me
to
be
better.
【不离不弃的执着】
12.
Teachers
like
you
don't
come
around
often,
and
for
that,
am
incredibly
grateful.
Your
passion
for
teaching
and
compassionate
nature
has
touched
countless
lives.
【匠心独具的教育家】
13.
When
reflect
back
on
my
childhood,
some
of
my
fondest
memories
were
made
in
your
classroom.
Thank
you
for
making
learning
fun
and
meaningful.
【快乐学习的记忆】
14.
The
bond
between
us
may
have
started
as
a
teacher-student
relationship,
but
over
time,
it
has
blossomed
into
a
beautiful
friendship.
【友情与师生关系的交融】
15.
Though
may
have
graduated
long
ago,
the
sound
of
your
voice
still
rings
in
my
ears
and
guides
me
through
life's
challenges.
【声言耳畔】
16.
In
the
years
since
last
saw
you,
have
accomplished
much,
but
know
that
without
your
guidance
and
influence,
would
not
be
where
am
today.
【恩师领航的前行】
17.
No
matter
how
many
years
pass,
the
impact
of
your
teaching
will
always
be
a
part
of
me.
You
are
a
teacher
will
never
forget.
【永远铭记的教育者】
18.
As
much
as
hated
your
tough
love
in
the
classroom,
now
realize
that
it
was
your
way
of
showing
me
that
you
cared.
Thank
you
for
being
tough
when
needed
it.
【严师出高徒】
19.
Though
we
may
have
different
paths
in
life,
the
memories
of
our
time
together
in
your
classroom
will
always
be
a
cherished
part
of
my
past.
【各奔东西的珍贵记忆】
20.
On
days
when
feel
lost
or
unsure,
remember
the
lessons
you
imparted
to
me
and
find
the
strength
to
carry
on.
Thank
you
for
being
my
guide
and
mentor.
【失落时的力量源泉】