1.
"I
have
waited
for
this
opportunity
for
more
than
half
a
century,
to
repeat
to
you
once
again
my
vow
of
eternal
fidelity
and
everlasting
love.
"
-
Gabriel
Garcia
Marquez
【Love
Vows】
2.
"Love
is
not
about
possession,
it's
all
about
appreciation.
"
-
Unknown
【Appreciation
for
Love】
3.
"The
very
first
moment
beheld
him,
my
heart
was
irrevocably
gone.
"
-
Jane
Austen
【Love
at
First
Sight】
4.
"The
best
love
is
the
kind
that
awakens
the
soul
and
makes
us
reach
for
more,
that
plants
a
fire
in
our
hearts
and
brings
peace
to
our
minds.
"
-
Nicholas
Sparks
【Soul-Stirring
Love】
5.
"Love
is
not
about
how
many
days,
weeks,
or
months
you've
been
together,
it's
all
about
how
much
you
love
each
other
every
day.
"
-
Unknown
【Everday
Love】
6.
"Love
is
composed
of
a
single
soul
inhabiting
two
bodies.
"
-
Aristotle
【Soulful
Connection】
7.
"I
love
you
not
because
of
who
you
are,
but
because
of
who
am
when
am
with
you.
"
-
Elizabeth
Barrett
Browning
【Love
of
Self
and
Other】
8.
"Love
is
not
just
looking
at
each
other,
it's
looking
in
the
same
direction.
"
-
Antoine
de
Saint-Exupéry
【Shared
Vision】
9.
"In
all
the
world,
there
is
no
heart
for
me
like
yours.
In
all
the
world,
there
is
no
love
for
you
like
mine.
"
-
Maya
Angelou
【Unique
Love】
10.
"Love
is
not
a
feeling
of
happiness.
Love
is
a
willingness
to
sacrifice.
"
-
Michael
Novak
【Sacrifices
for
Love】
11.
"Where
there
is
love,
there
is
life.
"
-
Mahatma
Gandhi
【Love
as
Life
Force】
12.
"Love
is
the
voice
under
all
silences,
the
hope
which
has
no
opposite
in
fear;
the
strength
so
strong
mere
force
is
feebleness:
the
truth
more
first
than
sun,
more
last
than
star.
.
.
"
-
E.
E.
Cummings
【Power
of
Love】
13.
"I
would
rather
spend
one
lifetime
with
you,
than
face
all
the
ages
of
this
world
alone.
"
-
J.
R.
R.
Tolkien
【Eternity
of
Love】
14.
"We
come
to
love
not
by
finding
a
perfect
person,
but
by
learning
to
see
an
imperfect
person
perfectly.
"
-
Sam
Keen
【Perfect
Imperfection】
15.
"I
just
want
you
to
know
that
you’re
very
special.
.
.
and
the
only
reason
I’m
telling
you
is
that
don’t
know
if
anyone
else
ever
has.
"
-
Stephen
Chbosky
【Special
Love】
16.
"You
don't
love
someone
for
their
looks,
or
their
clothes,
or
for
their
fancy
car,
but
because
they
sing
a
song
only
you
can
hear.
"
-
Oscar
Wilde
【Personal
Love
Songs】
17.
"Love
recognizes
no
barriers.
It
jumps
hurdles,
leaps
fences,
penetrates
walls
to
arrive
at
its
destination
full
of
hope.
"
-
Maya
Angelou
【Limitless
Love】
18.
"I
love
you
without
knowing
how,
or
when,
or
from
where.
love
you
simply,
without
problems
or
pride:
love
you
in
this
way
because
do
not
know
any
other
way
of
loving
but
this.
"
-
Pablo
Neruda
【Unconditional
Love】
19.
"Being
deeply
loved
by
someone
gives
you
strength,
while
loving
someone
deeply
gives
you
courage.
"
-
Lao
Tzu
【Strength
and
Courage
in
Love】
20.
"Love
is
not
about
possession.
It's
all
about
appreciation.
"
-
Unknown
【Love
as
Appreciation】