.jpg)
1.
"The
wrench
lay
untouched,
just
like
my
broken
heart.
"
【#Heartbreak
#Mechanic】
2.
"The
grease
stains
on
my
clothes
are
the
only
reminder
of
the
love
that
once
spilled
over.
"
【#LostLove
#Reminders】
3.
"My
hands
work
tirelessly,
but
my
heart
is
still
broken.
"
【#PainfulHeart
#TirelessHands】
4.
"The
screeching
sound
of
metal
on
metal
mirrors
the
sound
of
my
heart
breaking.
"
【#Heartbreaking
#ScreechingSound】
5.
"The
tools
use
to
fix
cars
can't
repair
my
shattered
soul.
"
【#ShatteredSoul
#Unfixable】
6.
"The
oil
spills
on
the
floor
are
like
tears
falling
from
my
eyes.
"
【#OilSpills
#Tears】
7.
"The
tools
in
my
toolbox
bring
me
no
joy,
only
reminders
of
the
love
that's
gone.
"
【#EmptyTools
#LostLove】
8.
"As
lay
underneath
the
car,
can't
help
but
feel
like
my
broken
heart
is
being
run
over.
"
【#UnderneathTheCar
#CrushedHeart】
9.
"Every
bolt
tighten
brings
me
no
satisfaction,
only
a
reminder
of
the
love
that's
slipped
away.
"
【#TighteningBolts
#LostLove】
10.
"As
work
on
this
car,
can't
help
but
wonder
if
there's
a
way
to
fix
my
own
broken
heart.
"
【#FixingCars
#FixingHearts】
11.
"The
oil
on
my
hands
won't
wash
away
the
pain
in
my
heart.
"
【#OilHands
#PainfulHeart】
12.
"The
engines
fix
run
smoothly,
but
my
heart
is
still
a
wreck.
"
【#SmoothEngines
#WreckedHeart】
13.
"The
hammer
strikes
the
metal,
just
like
life
has
struck
me
down.
"
【#StruckDown
#FightingBack】
14.
"As
work
on
this
car,
all
can
see
is
the
love
could
have
fixed
if
given
the
chance.
"
【#MissedOpportunities
#LoveLost】
15.
"The
wrench
in
my
hand
gives
me
purpose,
but
nothing
can
repair
my
broken
heart.
"
【#PurposefulWrench
#BrokenHeart】
16.
"The
pain
of
my
broken
heart
is
like
a
car
that
won't
start,
no
matter
how
hard
try.
"
【#Won'tStart
#Heartache】
17.
"My
heart
is
like
an
engine
without
oil,
it
needs
love
to
keep
running
smoothly.
"
【#EngineNeedsOil
#HeartNeedsLove】
18.
"I
fix
cars
to
distract
myself
from
the
pain
of
lost
love,
but
the
pain
still
lingers.
"
【#Distractions
#LingeringPain】
19.
"My
love
was
like
a
car
that
couldn't
fix,
no
matter
how
hard
tried.
"
【#LoveLost
#Unfixable】
20.
"The
sound
of
my
broken
heart
echoes
through
the
garage
as
work
on
this
car.
"
【#EchoingHeart
#WorkingOnCars】