1.
Life
is
too
short
to
waste
time
on
things
that
don't
matter.
【生命短暂,不应浪费时间在无意义的事物上。
】
2.
We
spend
our
whole
lives
chasing
after
things
that
we
think
will
make
us
happy,
only
to
realize
that
true
happiness
doesn't
come
from
material
possessions.
【我们用一生追寻我们认为会让我们快乐的事物,却最终意识到真正的幸福并不来自于物质财富。
】
3.
The
older
we
get,
the
faster
time
seems
to
fly
by.
It's
a
cruel
reality
that
we
all
have
to
face.
【随着年龄的增长,时间似乎飞逝。
这是我们都不得不面对的残酷现实。
】
4.
Life
is
like
a
rollercoaster
ride,
full
of
ups
and
downs.
The
trick
is
to
learn
to
enjoy
the
ride,
even
when
it
gets
bumpy.
【人生就像坐过山车,充满了起伏。
诀窍在于学会享受这段旅程,即使路途颠簸。
】
5.
We
never
truly
appreciate
what
we
have
until
it's
gone.
Cherish
the
people
and
things
you
love
before
it's
too
late.
【直到失去,我们才真正珍惜我们拥有的一切。
在为时已晚之前,珍爱你所爱的人和事物。
】
6.
Life
is
short,
but
it's
also
precious.
Don't
waste
it
on
negativity
and
bitterness.
Choose
to
live
every
day
with
positivity
and
gratitude.
【生命虽短,但也是宝贵的。
不要浪费它在消极和苦涩中。
选择每天怀着积极和感恩的心态生活。
】
7.
Time
is
our
most
valuable
resource,
and
yet
we
spend
so
much
of
it
on
things
that
don't
matter.
Don't
let
the
little
things
distract
you
from
what's
truly
important.
【时间是我们最宝贵的资源,我们却把大量时间浪费在无关紧要的事情上。
不要让琐事让你分心,忘记真正重要的事情。
】
8.
Life
is
unpredictable.
One
day
everything
can
be
going
well,
and
the
next
day
everything
can
fall
apart.
Keep
your
head
up
and
face
each
new
challenge
with
strength
and
courage.
【生命是不可预测的。
一天一切都很顺利,下一天一切都可以崩溃。
昂首挺胸,以坚强和勇气面对每一个新的挑战。
】
9.
We
may
not
have
control
over
what
happens
in
our
lives,
but
we
have
control
over
how
we
react
to
it.
Choose
to
react
with
grace
and
kindness,
even
in
the
toughest
of
situations.
【我们可能无法控制生命中发生的事情,但我们可以控制我们对它的反应。
即使在最艰难的情况下,选择用优雅和善良来反应。
】
10.
Life
is
like
a
journey,
and
we
are
all
travelers
on
this
road.
Don't
forget
to
stop
and
enjoy
the
scenery
along
the
way.
【生命就像一场旅程,我们都是这条路上的旅人。
不要忘记停下来欣赏路途中的风景。
】
11.
Sometimes
the
hardest
thing
in
life
is
letting
go
of
what
we
thought
we
wanted,
and
learning
to
embrace
what
we
need.
【有时,生命中最困难的事情是放下我们认为我们想要的事情,学会拥抱我们需要的东西。
】
12.
Life
is
full
of
challenges,
but
it's
also
full
of
opportunities.
The
key
is
to
learn
from
our
mistakes
and
not
let
them
hold
us
back.
【生活充满挑战,但也充满机会。
关键是从我们的错误中学习,不要让它们阻止我们前进。
】
13.
No
one
ever
said
that
life
was
easy.
But
if
we're
willing
to
put
in
the
work
and
keep
pushing
forward,
we
can
achieve
anything
we
set
our
minds
to.
【没有人说生活是容易的。
但是,如果我们愿意付出努力并继续向前推进,我们可以实现我们设定的任何目标。
】
14.
Life
is
a
gift,
and
it's
up
to
us
to
make
the
most
of
it.
Don't
let
fear
or
doubt
hold
you
back
from
living
the
life
you
were
meant
to
live.
【生命是一份礼物,需要我们发挥最大的价值。
不要让恐惧或怀疑阻止你过上你应该过的生活。
】
15.
Time
waits
for
no
one.
Don't
waste
your
life
waiting
for
the
perfect
moment
or
the
right
opportunity.
Make
the
most
of
what
you
have,
right
here,
right
now.
【时间不等人。
不要浪费你的生命等待完美的时机或正确的机会。
珍惜你所拥有的,就在此时此刻。
】
16.
Life
is
a
journey
of
self-discovery.
We
may
not
always
know
where
we're
going,
but
we
can
always
trust
that
we're
headed
in
the
right
direction.
【生命是一个自我发现的旅程。
我们可能不总是知道我们要去哪里,但我们始终可以相信我们朝着正确的方向前进。
】
17.
Life
is
too
short
to
hold
grudges
and
harbor
regrets.
Forgive
those
who
have
wronged
you,
and
let
go
of
the
things
that
weigh
you
down.
【生命太短暂,没有时间纠缠怨恨和后悔。
原谅那些伤害过你的人,放下那些困扰你的事情。
】
18.
Our
time
on
this
earth
is
finite,
but
the
impact
we
leave
behind
can
last
for
generations.
Make
sure
your
legacy
is
one
that
you
can
be
proud
of.
【我们在这个世界上的时间是有限的,但我们所留下的影响可以持续几代人。
确保你的遗产是你可以自豪的。
】
19.
Life
is
full
of
surprises,
both
good
and
bad.
But
it's
how
we
react
to
those
surprises
that
define
us.
Choose
to
react
with
love,
compassion,
and
grace.
【生命充满了惊喜,有好有坏。
但是,我们如何反应这些惊喜才能真正定义我们。
选择用爱、同情和优雅来反应。
】
20.
Life
is
a
journey,
and
it's
up
to
us
to
make
it
a
meaningful
one.
Find
your
purpose,
follow
your
passions,
and
make
every
moment
count.
【生命是一段旅程,我们需要让它充满意义。
找到你的目的,追求你的激情,让每一刻都有所值得。
】