.jpg)
1.
Let's
make
the
most
of
our
time
together
and
create
unforgettable
memories
that
will
stay
with
us
forever.
【班级生活,开启美好回忆的旅程。
】
2.
In
this
class,
we
may
have
our
differences,
but
we're
united
in
our
pursuit
of
knowledge
and
excellence.
【在这个班级里,尽管我们有所不同,但我们都追求知识和卓越。
】
3.
Our
class
is
a
community
of
learners
where
everyone
is
valued
and
respected.
Let's
continue
to
learn
and
grow
together!
【我们的班级是一个学习者的社区,每个人都被珍视和尊重。
让我们继续一起学习和成长!
】
4.
As
we
look
back
on
our
time
in
this
class,
may
we
remember
the
laughter,
the
friendships,
and
the
lessons
learned.
【回顾在这个班级里的时光,让我们记住欢笑、友谊和所学到的知识。
】
5.
With
hard
work,
determination,
and
support
from
each
other,
there's
nothing
we
can't
achieve
as
a
class.
【勤奋、决心和互相支持的力量,让我们的班级可以实现任何目标。
】
6.
We
may
all
come
from
different
backgrounds
and
have
different
personalities,
but
in
this
class,
we're
all
part
of
the
same
family.
【我们可能来自不同的背景,拥有不同的个性,但在这个班级里,我们都是同一个大家庭的一份子。
】
7.
Let's
be
grateful
for
the
opportunity
to
learn
and
grow
together
in
this
class,
and
let's
make
the
most
of
every
moment.
【感恩在这个班级里一起学习和成长的机会,让我们充分利用每一刻。
】
8.
As
we
prepare
to
move
on
to
new
chapters
in
our
lives,
let's
remember
the
bonds
we've
formed
and
the
lessons
we've
learned
in
this
class.
【当我们准备迎接人生的新篇章时,让我们记住在这个班级里所形成的联系和学到的知识。
】
9.
Our
time
in
this
class
may
be
coming
to
an
end,
but
the
memories
and
friendships
we've
made
will
last
a
lifetime.
【我们在这个班级里的时光可能即将结束,但我们所获得的回忆和友谊将会持续一生。
】
10.
Let's
strive
to
be
our
best
selves,
to
support
each
other,
and
to
make
the
most
of
the
opportunities
before
us
in
this
class.
【让我们尽最大努力成为最好的自己,互相支持,在这个班级里充分把握机会。
】
11.
As
we
say
goodbye
to
this
class,
let's
remember
the
moments
that
made
us
laugh,
the
lessons
that
made
us
grow,
and
the
people
who
made
it
all
worthwhile.
【当我们告别这个班级时,让我们记住曾经让我们笑出声、成长和变得更有价值的时刻和人。
】
12.
In
this
class,
we've
supported
each
other
through
successes
and
failures,
and
we've
learned
valuable
lessons
along
the
way.
Let's
keep
pushing
ourselves
to
reach
new
heights.
【在这个班级里,我们互相支持和鼓励,无论是成功还是失败,我们都获得了宝贵的教训。
让我们继续拼搏,追寻更高的目标。
】
13.
As
we
embark
on
new
adventures,
let's
take
with
us
the
lessons
and
memories
that
we've
made
in
this
class,
and
let's
continue
to
grow
and
learn.
【当我们开始新的冒险时,让我们带着在这个班级里所学到的知识和回忆,并继续成长和学习。
】
14.
Our
time
in
this
class
may
have
been
brief,
but
the
impact
it
has
had
on
us
will
last
a
lifetime.
Let's
cherish
the
memories
we've
made.
【我们在这个班级里的时光可能短暂,但它对我们的影响将会持续一生。
让我们珍惜所拥有的回忆。
】
15.
Let's
stay
connected
and
support
each
other
even
after
we
leave
this
class.
We
may
go
our
separate
ways,
but
we'll
always
be
a
part
of
each
other's
journeys.
【让我们继续保持联系并在离开这个班级后互相支持。
我们可能会走上不同的道路,但我们将永远成为彼此旅程的一部分。
】
16.
In
this
class,
we've
overcome
challenges,
celebrated
achievements,
and
learned
valuable
lessons
that
will
stay
with
us
for
the
rest
of
our
lives.
【在这个班级里,我们从挑战中走过、庆祝过成就、学到了宝贵的教训,这都将伴随我们的余生。
】
17.
Our
class
may
have
been
filled
with
ups
and
downs,
but
through
it
all,
we've
grown
and
learned
together.
Let's
continue
to
do
so
in
the
years
to
come.
【我们的班级也许曾充满起伏,但无论何时,我们都在一起成长和学习。
让我们在未来的日子里也继续如此。
】
18.
Let's
take
with
us
the
memories,
the
lessons,
and
the
friendships
we've
made
in
this
class,
and
use
them
to
shape
our
future
in
meaningful
ways.
【让我们带着在这个班级里所建立的回忆、教训和友谊,以有意义的方式塑造我们的未来。
】
19.
In
this
class,
we've
laughed,
we've
cried,
and
we've
supported
each
other
through
thick
and
thin.
Let's
carry
that
spirit
of
resilience
and
camaraderie
with
us
wherever
we
go.
【在这个班级里,我们曾一起笑过、哭过,在任何情况下都互相支持。
让我们无论走到哪里,始终保持这种坚韧和友爱的精神。
】
20.
Our
time
in
this
class
may
have
seemed
fleeting,
but
the
connections
we've
forged
and
the
memories
we've
made
will
stay
with
us
forever.
【我们在这个班级里的时光或许匆匆而过,但我们所牢固建立的联系和所拥有的回忆将永远伴随着我们。
】