.jpg)
1.
"Beauty
is
not
only
in
the
eye
of
the
beholder,
but
also
in
the
heart
of
the
grateful.
"
【感恩心中的唯美,值得回报】
2.
"The
most
beautiful
things
in
life
are
not
things,
but
memories
we
create
and
cherish
forever.
"
【珍藏美好记忆,感恩生命所赐予的唯美】
3.
"Love
is
the
most
beautiful
of
experiences,
and
the
greatest
way
to
show
gratitude
is
to
love
and
be
loved
in
return.
"
【爱是最美的经历,回报的最好方式是用爱承载感恩】
4.
"The
beauty
of
nature
is
a
gift
to
be
cherished,
protected
and
passed
on
to
future
generations.
"
【珍惜大自然的美丽礼物,回报未来子孙】
5.
"Appreciating
the
small
things
in
life
is
a
daily
reminder
of
the
beauty
that
surrounds
us
and
the
need
to
give
back
in
any
way
we
can.
"
【细心品味生活中的点滴美好,愿我们能够以点滴回报】
6.
"Gratitude
turns
what
we
have
into
enough,
and
fills
our
lives
with
abundance
and
beauty.
"
【感恩让我们知足常乐,生活因此变得丰盈多彩】
7.
"Every
day
is
an
opportunity
to
express
gratitude
for
the
beauty
and
wonder
that
surrounds
us.
"
【每一天都是向周围美好和奇妙表达感恩的机会】
8.
"The
beauty
that
we
see
in
others
is
often
a
reflection
of
our
own
inner
beauty
and
the
gratitude
we
carry
within.
"
【我们看到的他人之美常常是自己内心的反映,感恩是内心的力量所驱动】
9.
"Gratitude
unlocks
the
fullness
of
life,
and
reveals
the
beauty
in
everything
around
us.
"【感恩让生命的丰富展露无遗,揭示周围一切美丽多姿】
10.
"The
beauty
of
kindness
is
that
it
can
be
given
freely,
without
expectation
of
reward
or
recognition.
"
【仁慈之美在于她可以无条件给予,不求回报】
11.
"Gratitude
is
a
magnet
for
more
beauty,
abundance
and
blessings
to
flow
into
our
lives.
"
【感恩是一种吸引更多美丽,丰盛和祝福进入我们生命的磁力】
12.
"The
beauty
of
forgiveness
is
that
it
frees
not
only
the
person
who
forgives,
but
also
the
person
who
is
forgiven.
"
【宽恕之美在于她不仅解放了原谅者,也让被原谅者重获自由】
13.
"Gratitude
is
the
foundation
of
a
happy
heart,
and
the
key
to
unlocking
the
beauty
of
the
present
moment.
"
【感恩是幸福心灵的基石,也是揭示当下美好的关键】
14.
"The
beauty
of
authenticity
is
that
it
allows
us
to
connect
with
others
on
a
deeper,
more
meaningful
level.
"
【真诚之美在于她让我们有机会更深入,更有意义地与他人联系】
15.
"Gratitude
is
the
anchor
that
keeps
us
grounded
amidst
the
storms
of
life,
and
the
beacon
of
light
that
guides
us
towards
the
beauty
of
hope.
"
【感恩是我们面对人生风雨时的锚点,也是指引我们开启希望之美的灯塔】
16.
"The
beauty
of
learning
is
that
it
expands
our
mind,
broadens
our
perspective,
and
fills
our
hearts
with
gratitude
for
the
wonder
of
knowledge.
"
【学习之美在于她扩展我们的思维,拓宽我们的视野,为知识之奇迹填充感恩的心灵】
17.
"Gratitude
is
the
light
that
illuminates
the
path
towards
the
beauty
of
self-discovery
and
personal
growth.
"
【感恩是照亮我们自我发现和个人成长之美的灯塔】
18.
"The
beauty
of
friendship
is
that
it
provides
a
safe
haven
for
our
hearts
to
grow,
and
a
reason
for
us
to
celebrate
the
joy
of
gratitude.
"
【友情之美在于她为我们的心灵提供了安全的港湾,让我们因感恩而欢庆】
19.
"Gratitude
is
a
reminder
that
we
are
all
interconnected,
and
that
the
beauty
of
life
is
shared
and
amplified
by
the
connections
we
make.
"
【感恩提醒我们所有人都是相互联系的,生命之美因我们所建立的联系更加温暖和谐】
20.
"The
beauty
of
life
lies
not
in
the
destination,
but
in
the
journey,
and
the
appreciation
of
the
countless
blessings
that
line
our
path.
"
【生命之美不在于目的地,而在于旅途,也在于欣赏我们路径上无数的祝福】