.jpg)
1.
Life
is
a
beautiful
journey,
cherish
every
step
you
take.
【#lifequotes】
2.
The
little
things
in
life
are
what
make
it
worth
living.
【#liveinthemoment】
3.
Embrace
the
present,
and
let
go
of
the
past.
【#livefortoday】
4.
Life
moves
fast,
make
sure
you
don't
miss
the
beautiful
moments.
【#enjoytheride】
5.
Happiness
is
not
found,
it
is
created
within
yourself.
【#choosehappiness】
6.
Life
is
like
a
book,
make
each
chapter
count.
【#writethestory】
7.
You
never
know
the
value
of
a
moment
until
it
becomes
a
memory.
【#cherishthememories】
8.
Life
is
a
series
of
moments,
make
them
count.
【#momentstolivefor】
9.
Sometimes
the
smallest
step
in
the
right
direction
ends
up
being
the
biggest
step
of
your
life.
【#takeachance】
10.
Life
is
about
creating
yourself,
not
finding
yourself.
【#discoverthenewyou】
11.
When
life
gets
tough,
remember
to
keep
going.
Better
days
are
ahead.
【#nevergiveup】
12.
Life
is
all
about
balance.
Take
time
to
appreciate
the
good
and
the
bad.
【#findbalance】
13.
The
beauty
of
life
is
that
it
is
constantly
changing.
Embrace
the
change.
【#embracetheunknown】
14.
Life
is
short,
so
live
it
to
the
fullest.
【#livelaughlove】
15.
Life
is
not
a
destination,
it's
a
journey.
Enjoy
the
ride.
【#journeyoflife】
16.
Life
is
a
precious
gift,
so
cherish
every
moment.
【#giftoflife】
17.
The
secret
of
life
is
to
fall
seven
times
and
to
rise
eight
times.
【#resilience】
18.
Life
is
not
always
perfect,
but
it's
always
worth
it.
【#perspective】
19.
Every
day
is
a
new
beginning,
take
a
deep
breath
and
start
again.
【#newbeginnings】
20.
In
the
end,
it's
not
the
years
in
your
life
that
count.
It's
the
life
in
your
years.
【#qualityoflife】