1.
"Forgiveness
is
the
foundation
of
love.
Without
it,
love
is
incomplete.
"
【#ForgiveLove】
2.
"Love
is
not
about
perfection,
it's
about
forgiving
each
other's
imperfections.
"
【#LoveImperfections】
3.
"To
forgive
is
to
set
a
prisoner
free
and
discover
that
prisoner
was
you.
"
【#FreeYourself】
4.
"Forgiveness
is
not
an
occasional
act,
it
is
a
constant
attitude.
"
【#ConstantForgiveness】
5.
"Forgiving
someone
doesn't
mean
you
condone
their
behavior,
it
means
you
release
their
hold
on
you.
"
【#ReleaseYourself】
6.
"The
greatest
act
of
strength
is
to
forgive
and
move
on.
"
【#StrengthInForgiveness】
7.
"Forgiveness
is
a
gift
you
give
yourself.
"
【#GiftOfForgiveness】
8.
"Holding
onto
grudges
is
like
carrying
around
a
backpack
full
of
rocks.
Forgiveness
is
the
freedom
to
let
it
go.
"
【#LetItGo】
9.
"Forgiveness
is
not
about
forgetting,
it's
about
letting
go
of
the
pain.
"
【#LetGoOfPain】
10.
"Forgiveness
is
not
weakness,
it's
choosing
to
love
instead
of
hate.
"
【#LoveNotHate】
11.
"The
secret
to
a
lasting
relationship
is
forgiveness,
understanding,
and
unconditional
love.
"
【#LastingRelationship】
12.
"Love
means
accepting
someone
for
who
they
are,
not
who
you
want
them
to
be.
Forgiveness
is
accepting
them
even
when
they
make
mistakes.
"
【#AcceptanceAndForgiveness】
13.
"Hurt
people
hurt
people.
Forgiveness
is
the
antidote
to
the
pain.
"
【#ForgivenessAndHealing】
14.
"Forgiveness
is
the
only
way
to
break
the
chain
of
hate
and
revenge.
"
【#BreakTheChain】
15.
"When
you
forgive,
you
give
yourself
permission
to
heal
and
find
peace.
"
【#FindPeace】
16.
"The
first
step
to
forgiveness
is
understanding
and
empathy.
"
【#UnderstandAndEmpathize】
17.
"Forgiveness
is
a
journey,
not
a
destination.
"
【#JourneyOfForgiveness】
18.
"Forgiveness
is
not
something
you
do
for
others,
it's
something
you
do
for
yourself.
"
【#DoItForYourself】
19.
"Forgiveness
is
letting
go
of
the
hope
that
the
past
could
have
been
any
different.
"
【#LetGoOfThePast】
20.
"By
forgiving,
we
give
ourselves
the
power
to
create
a
future
that's
better
than
the
past.
"
【#CreateABetterFuture】