1.
"Winning
a
chicken
dinner
on
the
battlefield
means
losing
a
part
of
yourself
in
the
real
world.
"
【伤感故事】
2.
"The
thrill
of
victory
is
fleeting,
but
the
bitterness
of
defeat
stays
with
you
forever.
"
【失落情感】
3.
"The
more
you
play,
the
more
you
realize
that
the
true
enemy
is
not
the
other
players,
but
yourself.
"
【反思自己】
4.
"The
sound
of
the
final
circle
closing
in
is
like
the
ticking
of
a
clock
that's
counting
down
to
your
end.
"
【紧迫感】
5.
"You
can
run,
you
can
hide,
but
you
can't
escape
your
fate
in
the
battlefield
of
chicken
dinner.
"
【无法逃脱】
6.
"The
joy
of
seeing
'Winner
Winner
Chicken
Dinner'
on
your
screen
is
worth
all
the
hours
of
frustration
and
disappointment.
"
【欣喜和付出】
7.
"When
you
die
in
the
game,
you
don't
just
respawn.
You
also
lose
a
piece
of
the
hope
you
had
for
yourself.
"
【希望消失】
8.
"There's
a
certain
kind
of
sadness
that
comes
with
being
the
last
one
standing.
"
【独自胜利】
9.
"In
the
world
of
chicken
dinner,
you're
only
as
good
as
your
next
game.
"
【胜负皆是】
10.
"Perseverance
is
key
in
this
game,
but
sometimes
even
that
is
not
enough.
"
【坚持不足】
11.
"The
silence
of
the
lobby
after
a
loss
is
deafening,
amplifying
the
emptiness
in
your
heart.
"
【巨大失落】
12.
"You
start
off
as
strangers
in
the
game,
but
by
the
end
of
it,
you
feel
like
you've
been
through
a
war
together.
"
【同仇敌忾】
13.
"The
smallest
mistake
can
cost
you
everything
in
this
game,
making
you
question
every
move
you
make.
"
【慎思慎行】
14.
"The
worst
thing
about
this
game
is
not
the
bugs
or
glitches,
but
the
toxicity
of
some
players.
"
【恶意攻击】
15.
"The
rush
of
adrenaline
from
a
close
victory
can
turn
into
a
feeling
of
emptiness
as
you
realize
it's
just
a
game.
"
【胜利和失落】
16.
"What
you
do
in
the
game
may
not
have
any
impact
on
the
real
world,
but
it
can
affect
your
mood
and
emotions.
"
【虚构世界真实情感】
17.
"The
beauty
of
chicken
dinner
is
that
it's
unpredictable.
You
never
know
what
can
happen
until
it
happens.
"
【意外和不可预知性】
18.
"In
the
game,
you
can
become
whoever
you
want
to
be,
but
once
you
log
out,
you're
back
to
reality.
"
【双重人生】
19.
"Some
players
play
for
the
fun
of
it,
while
others
play
to
escape
their
problems
in
real
life.
"
【娱乐和逃避现实】
20.
"At
the
end
of
the
day,
it's
just
a
game.
But
sometimes,
it
feels
like
so
much
more
than
that.
"
【游戏和现实的关系】