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1.
Love
is
capable
of
flourishing
even
in
the
midst
of
ruins.
【废墟中也可绽放的爱情】
2.
In
the
ruins
of
our
past,
we
discovered
the
foundation
of
our
love.
【在过去的废墟中,我们发现了爱情的基石】
3.
Like
a
fragile
flower
growing
through
cracks
in
concrete,
our
love
rose
from
the
ruins.
【如同一朵娇弱的花朵从混凝土的裂缝中生长,我们的爱情从废墟中崛起】
4.
Love
knows
no
boundaries,
not
even
the
crumbling
walls
of
ruins.
【爱情无界,不曾畏惧废墟中摇摇欲坠的墙壁】
5.
Our
love
story
was
written
amidst
the
ashes,
and
it
will
burn
brighter
than
ever
before.
【我们的爱情故事铸就于灰烬之中,它将比以往任何时候更加灿烂】
6.
From
the
ruins,
our
love
emerged
as
a
beacon
of
hope.
【在废墟中,我们的爱情如同一道希望的明灯浮现】
7.
The
beauty
of
love
lies
in
its
ability
to
rebuild
what
was
once
shattered.
【爱情的美丽在于它重新建造被打碎的过往】
8.
Love
is
the
masterpiece
that
transforms
ruins
into
art.
【爱情是将废墟转化为艺术的杰作】
9.
Our
love
blossomed
amidst
the
rubble,
proving
that
even
ruins
can
be
a
fertile
ground
for
affection.
【我们的爱情在瓦砾中怒放,证明即便废墟也可以是感情的沃土】
10.
In
the
ashes,
love
found
its
rebirth;
in
ruins,
it
discovered
its
strength.
【在灰烬中,爱情重生;在废墟中,它找到了力量】
11.
As
the
ruins
crumbled,
our
love
stood
tall,
unbreakable.
【废墟崩塌的时刻,我们的爱情依然高耸,不可动摇】
12.
Love
is
the
architect
that
rebuilds
from
ruins,
creating
a
stronger
foundation.
【爱情是重建废墟的建筑师,创造更坚固的基础】
13.
Our
love
story
emerged
from
the
remnants
of
disaster,
ultimately
proving
that
love
can
conquer
all.
【我们的爱情故事从灭顶之灾的残骸中诞生,最终证明了爱情的力量】
14.
Amidst
the
debris
of
our
past,
our
love
stood
as
a
testament
to
resilience.
【在过去的残骸中,我们的爱情如硬朗的见证】
15.
Love
is
the
force
that
turns
ruins
into
restoration.
【爱情是将废墟转化为修复的力量】
16.
Our
love
grew
like
a
wildflower,
untamed
and
untainted
amidst
the
ruins.
【我们的爱情如同一朵野花,在废墟中蓬勃生长,不受束缚,不为纷扰】
17.
Love
is
the
melody
that
echoes
through
the
empty
spaces
of
ruins,
filling
them
with
harmony.
【爱情是在废墟的空旷中回响的旋律,用和谐填满它们】
18.
Though
the
world
crumbled,
our
love
remained
sturdy,
an
eternal
monument.
【纵使世界破碎,我们的爱情依然坚实,成为永恒的纪念】
19.
Love
does
not
fear
the
jagged
edges
of
ruins;
it
embraces
them
and
creates
something
beautiful.
【爱情不畏惧废墟中尖锐的边缘,它拥抱它们,创造美丽】
20.
In
the
depths
of
destruction,
love
is
the
light
that
guides
us
towards
a
brighter
tomorrow.
【在毁灭的深渊中,爱情是照亮我们通向更美好明天的光芒】