.jpg)
1.
“The
open
road
calls
to
me,
and
now,
with
my
driver's
license,
I’m
ready
to
answer.
”
【驾照终于到手,我准备好了,开启我的旅途】
2.
“At
last,
the
power
and
freedom
of
the
open
road
is
mine
to
experience.
”
【终于拥有了掌控自由的开车体验】
3.
“I’ve
earned
my
stripes
on
the
road,
and
now
my
driver’s
license
is
the
ultimate
badge
of
honor.
”
【路上的“战斗”,获得驾照的荣耀】
4.
“Through
countless
hours
of
practice
and
experience,
I’ve
learned
to
navigate
the
roads
with
confidence
and
precision.
”
【在繁复的练习和经验中,终于学会安全、自信地驾驶】
5.
“With
the
wind
in
my
hair
and
the
sun
on
my
face,
know
that
driving
is
more
than
just
a
skill—it’s
a
way
of
life.
”
【风吹发丝,阳光温暖,开车已经不仅仅是技能,更是生活的一部分】
6.
“My
driver’s
license
is
more
than
just
a
physical
card—it’s
a
reminder
of
the
adventure
and
excitement
that
awaits
me
on
the
open
road.
”
【驾照不止有实体卡,更是启迪我前方的冒险和激情】
7.
“As
hit
the
gas
and
kick
into
gear,
I’m
reminded
of
the
boundless
possibilities
that
lay
before
me.
”
【当我加油开车时,我想象我面前无限的可能】
8.
“Driving
is
a
passport
to
new
experiences,
new
places,
and
new
friendships.
”
【开车是通往新经验、新场所和友谊的通行证】
9.
“Every
journey
on
the
open
road
is
an
opportunity
to
discover
something
new,
to
connect
with
the
world
around
me,
and
to
find
my
place
in
it.
”
【每一次行驶都是发现新事物,与世界连结和找到自我的机会】
10.
“I’ve
conquered
the
road,
and
now
I’m
ready
to
face
any
challenge
life
throws
my
way.
”
【征服了道路,迎接人生中的任何挑战】
11.
“Driving
is
more
than
just
a
mode
of
transportation—it’s
a
chance
to
reflect,
to
unwind,
and
to
clear
my
mind.
”
【开车不仅是一种交通方式,更是反思、放松、净化思想的机会】
12.
“I’ve
spent
countless
hours
behind
the
wheel,
but
know
that
every
drive
is
a
chance
to
learn,
to
grow,
and
to
improve.
”
【我花费了数不清的时间练习,但我知道每次行驶都是学习、成长和进步的机遇】
13.
“For
every
driver’s
license
earned,
there
is
a
dream
realized,
a
goal
achieved,
and
a
sense
of
accomplishment
earned.
”
【每个人都有获得驾照的梦想、目标和成就】
14.
“Driving
is
an
art
form,
and
with
my
driver’s
license,
I’m
ready
to
create
my
masterpiece.
”
【开车是一种艺术,获得驾照是我创造杰作的准备】
15.
“I’m
not
just
a
driver,
I’m
a
navigator,
an
explorer,
and
a
conqueror
of
the
open
road.
”
【我不仅仅是一名司机,还是一名导航员、探险家和征服者】
16.
“Driving
is
my
passion,
and
my
driver’s
license
is
the
key
to
unlock
a
world
of
adventure,
excitement,
and
limitless
potential.
”
【开车是我的热情,我的驾照是开启冒险、激情和无限可能的钥匙】
17.
“Every
new
day
behind
the
wheel
is
filled
with
the
promise
of
new
discoveries,
new
friendships,
and
new
experiences.
”
【每一天都有新的发现、新的友谊和新的经历等待我探索】
18.
“They
say
that
life
is
a
journey,
and
with
my
driver’s
license,
I’m
ready
to
take
the
driver’s
seat
and
steer
my
own
path
forward.
”
【人生是一段旅程,我现在有驾照,我为自己的人生掌舵】
19.
“Driving
isn’t
just
about
getting
from
point
to
point
B—it’s
about
the
journey,
the
experience,
and
the
memories
made
along
the
way.
”
【开车不单单是从A地到达B地,还非常注重旅途、经历和途中的记忆】
20.
“With
my
driver’s
license
in
hand,
I’m
ready
to
put
the
pedal
to
the
metal
and
chase
my
dreams.
”
【拿到了驾照,我准备踩下油门,追逐我的梦想】