1.
Laugh
as
often
as
you
breathe,
it's
good
for
the
soul.
【笑声可以治愈灵魂。
】
2.
Love
is
not
just
a
feeling,
it's
a
decision
you
make
every
day.
【爱不仅仅是一种感受,它是你每天做出的决定。
】
3.
Life
is
an
adventure,
embrace
it
with
open
arms.
【生命是一次冒险,张开双臂迎接它。
】
4.
Happiness
cannot
be
traveled
to,
owned,
earned,
or
worn.
It
is
the
spiritual
experience
of
living
every
minute
with
love,
grace
&
gratitude.
【幸福不能被买到,拥有,获得或穿戴。
它是用爱,恩典和感激活着每一分钟的精神体验。
】
5.
Focus
on
the
journey,
not
the
destination.
Joy
is
found
not
in
finishing
an
activity
but
in
doing
it.
【专注于旅程,而不是目的地。
快乐不在于完成活动,而在于做活动。
】
6.
Wake
up
with
determination,
go
to
bed
with
satisfaction.
【怀着决心起床,有满意地睡觉。
】
7.
good
life
is
a
collection
of
happy
moments.
【美好的生活是幸福时刻的集合。
】
8.
The
only
true
wisdom
is
in
knowing
you
know
nothing.
【唯一的真正智慧在于知道自己一无所知。
】
9.
Life
is
short,
break
the
rules,
forgive
quickly,
kiss
slowly,
love
truly,
laugh
uncontrollably,
and
never
regret
anything
that
made
you
smile.
【人生苦短,打破规则,快速原谅,慢慢亲吻,真正爱,不受控制地笑,并且不要后悔让你微笑的任何事情。
】
10.
The
best
things
in
life
are
unexpected,
because
there
were
no
expectations.
【生命中最好的东西是出乎意料的,因为没有期望。
】
11.
Life
is
too
short
to
waste
time
on
things
that
don't
matter.
【生命太短暂,不要浪费时间在无意义的事情上。
】
12.
When
words
fail,
music
speaks.
【当言语失效时,音乐会说话。
】
13.
You
cannot
change
the
cards
you
are
dealt,
just
how
you
play
the
hand.
【你不能改变你所抽到的牌,只能改变你如何打这手牌。
】
14.
Every
day
is
a
second
chance.
【每一天都是一次重新开始。
】
15.
day
without
laughter
is
a
day
wasted.
【没有笑声的一天是浪费的一天。
】
16.
Life
is
a
gift,
and
it
offers
us
the
privilege,
opportunity,
and
responsibility
to
give
something
back
by
becoming
more.
【生命是一份礼物,它给了我们特权,机会和责任,通过成为更多的方式来回报。
】
17.
We
don't
need
more
to
be
happy,
we
just
need
to
appreciate
what
we
already
have.
【我们不需要更多的东西,只需要珍惜我们已经有的。
】
18.
Happiness
is
not
something
ready
made.
It
comes
from
your
own
actions.
【幸福不是现成的东西。
它来自于你自己的行动。
】
19.
Life
is
like
a
camera,
focus
on
the
good
times,
develop
from
the
negatives,
and
if
things
don't
work
out,
take
another
shot.
【生活就像一台相机,聚焦于美好时光,从负面中发展,如果事情不顺利,再试一次。
】
20.
Success
is
not
the
key
to
happiness,
happiness
is
the
key
to
success.
If
you
love
what
you
are
doing,
you
will
be
successful.
【成功不是幸福的关键,幸福才是成功的关键。
如果你热爱自己正在做的事情,你就会成功。
】