.jpg)
1.
Stay
home
and
rest
if
you're
feeling
under
the
weather
【#sickdays
#feelingundertheweather】
2.
The
flu
season
is
upon
us,
so
take
care
of
yourself
and
avoid
getting
sick
【#fluseason
#takecareofyourself】
3.
Sneezing
and
coughing
are
not
just
annoying,
but
they
can
also
spread
germs
【#germs
#coversneezes】
4.
Feeling
congested?
Try
using
a
saline
spray
or
neti
pot
to
clear
out
your
sinuses
【#congestion
#sinusrelief】
5.
Tea
with
honey
and
lemon
is
a
great
home
remedy
for
the
common
cold
【#homeremedies
#teawithhoney】
6.
Make
sure
to
drink
plenty
of
fluids
to
keep
yourself
hydrated
when
you're
sick
【#hydration
#drinkwater】
7.
Feeling
run
down?
Listen
to
your
body
and
take
a
break
from
your
usual
routine
【#selfcare
#listenyourbody】
8.
Keep
hand
sanitizer
and
tissues
on
hand
to
avoid
spreading
germs
to
others
【#handhygiene
#tissues】
9.
If
your
fever
persists
or
your
symptoms
worsen,
don't
hesitate
to
see
a
doctor
【#fever
#docvisit】
10.
Remember
to
cover
your
mouth
and
nose
when
you
cough
or
sneeze
【#coversneeze
#stopgerms】
11.
Cold
and
flu
viruses
can
survive
on
surfaces
for
up
to
hours
【#virussurvival
#cleaningtips】
12.
Avoid
touching
your
face
to
prevent
germs
from
entering
your
body
【#germprevention
#donttouchyourface】
13.
good
night's
sleep
can
do
wonders
for
your
immune
system
【#sleep
#immunesystemboost】
14.
Stock
up
on
cold
and
flu
medication
before
you
get
sick
【#medicine
#prevention】
15.
Ginger
and
garlic
are
both
great
natural
remedies
for
a
cold
【#ginger
#garlic
#naturalremedies】
16.
Avoid
close
contact
with
others
when
you're
sick
to
prevent
the
spread
of
illness
【#sicksocialdistance
#staysafe】
17.
If
you
need
to
go
out
in
public
when
you're
sick,
wear
a
mask
to
protect
others
【#wearmask
#staysafe】
18.
Try
a
hot
shower
or
steam
inhalation
to
relieve
sinus
congestion
【#steamrelief
#sinuscongestion】
19.
Vitamin
and
zinc
can
both
help
shorten
the
duration
of
a
cold
【#vitaminc
#zinc
#colds】
20.
Don't
forget
to
wash
your
hands
regularly
to
avoid
the
spread
of
germs
【#washyourhands
#dontspreadgerms】