.jpg)
1.
Quitting
smoking
may
be
tough,
but
it's
tougher
to
lose
someone
you
love
to
a
smoking-related
disease.
【戒烟歌词短句】
2.
Love
is
like
fresh
air,
don't
pollute
it
with
cigarette
smoke.
【爱情语录】
3.
Smoking
is
a
slow
poison
that
not
only
kills
your
body
but
also
your
relationship.
【戒烟歌词短句】
4.
loved
the
way
he
smelled,
but
not
after
he
started
smoking.
【爱情语录】
5.
Every
cigarette
you
put
out
is
a
step
towards
a
healthier
and
happier
love
life.
【戒烟歌词短句】
6.
Nicotine
addiction
is
not
a
substitute
for
love,
it
only
destroys
it.
【爱情语录】
7.
If
you
truly
love
someone,
you'll
quit
smoking
for
them.
【戒烟歌词短句】
8.
Smoking
may
look
cool,
but
it's
not
worth
the
damage
it
does
to
your
heart
and
soul.
【爱情语录】
9.
Don't
let
the
smoke
of
cigarettes
cloud
your
vision
of
a
beautiful
future
with
your
loved
one.
【戒烟歌词短句】
10.
Kissing
a
smoker
is
like
licking
an
ashtray,
not
very
romantic.
【爱情语录】
11.
Quitting
smoking
is
a
sign
of
respect
for
yourself
and
your
partner.
【戒烟歌词短句】
12.
My
love
is
like
a
rose,
and
cigarette
smoke
withers
it
away.
【爱情语录】
13.
Smoking
is
not
worth
the
risk
of
losing
someone
you
love.
【戒烟歌词短句】
14.
Love
is
the
most
precious
thing
you
can
share,
don't
let
smoking
destroy
it.
【爱情语录】
15.
Cigarettes
may
be
temporary
pleasure,
but
love
is
long-lasting
happiness.
【戒烟歌词短句】
16.
To
love
yourself
is
to
care
for
your
health,
and
quitting
smoking
is
a
form
of
self-love.
【爱情语录】
17.
Smoke-free
love
is
the
purest
form
of
love.
【戒烟歌词短句】
18.
No
love
is
worth
sacrificing
your
health
for,
not
even
cigarettes.
【爱情语录】
19.
love
that
is
toxic
is
not
love
at
all,
and
smoking
is
a
toxic
habit.
【戒烟歌词短句】
20.
Love
can
be
lost,
but
your
health
is
irreplaceable,
quit
smoking
for
a
healthier
future.
【爱情语录】