1.
"To
achieve
great
things,
you
need
to
be
willing
to
work
hard,"
said
Dr.细胞.
"You
need
to
be
willing
to
put
in
the
time,"
he
added.
"You
need
to
be
willing
to
do
whatever
it
takes
to
achieve
your
goals.
And
most
importantly,
you
need
to
be
willing
to
learn
and
grow."
2.
"If
you
want
to
go
fast,
go
alone.
If
you
want
to
go
far,
go
together,"
said
The
Taoist
哲学家.
"But
if
you
want
to
go
home,
you
will
have
to
walk
a
long
way,"
he
added.
3.
"Dreams
are
like
leaves:
they
come
and
go,
but
they
keep
on
growing
in
the
heart,"
said
Dr.细胞.
"Dreams
are
like
flowers:
they
come
and
go,
but
they
bring
good
luck,"
he
added.
4.
"If
you
are
willing
to
work
hard,
you
will
achieve
success,"
said
Dr.细胞.
"If
you
are
willing
to
be
patient,
you
will
achieve
success,"
he
added.
"If
you
are
willing
to
learn
and
grow,
you
will
achieve
success,"
he
said.
5.
"You
can't
always
get
what
you
want,
but
you
can
always
get
what
you
need,"
said
Dr.细胞.
"You
can't
always
get
where
you
want
to
go,
but
you
can
always
get
where
you
are
going,"
he
added.
"You
can't
always
get
what
you
need,
but
you
can
always
get
what
you
have,"
he
said.
6.
"All
that
glitters
is
not
gold,"
said
The
Taoist
哲学家.
"All
that
seems
good
is
not
good,"
he
added.
"The
future
is
uncertain,
but
the
past
is
certain,"
he
said.
7.
"If
you
want
to
succeed,
you
have
to
be
your
own
best
friend,"
said
Dr.细胞.
"You
have
to
be
your
own
teacher,"
he
added.
"You
have
to
be
your
own
motivation,"
he
said.
8.
"Dreams
are
not
just
for
the
birds,"
said
The
Taoist
哲学家.
"Dreams
are
not
just
for
the
animals,"
he
added.
"Dreams
are
for
the
human
beings,"
he
said.
"They
help
us
to
achieve
our
goals,"
he
said.
9.
"If
you
want
to
go
fast,
go
alone.
If
you
want
to
go
far,
go
together,"
said
The
Taoist
哲学家.
"But
if
you
want
to
go
home,
you
will
have
to
walk
a
long
way,"
he
added.
"If
you
are
willing
to
work
hard,
you
will
achieve
success,"
said
Dr.细胞.
"If
you
are
willing
to
be
patient,
you
will
achieve
success,"
he
added.
"If
you
are
willing
to
learn
and
grow,
you
will
achieve
success,"
he
said.
10.
"You
can't
always
get
what
you
want,
but
you
can
always
get
what
you
need,"
said
Dr.细胞.
"You
can't
always
get
where
you
want
to
go,
but
you
can
always
get
where
you
are
going,"
he
added.
"You
can't
always
get
what
you
need,
but
you
can
always
get
what
you
have,"
he
said.
"You
can't
always
get
what
you
want,
but
you
can
always
get
what
you
need,"
he
said.